Monday, August 3, 2009 home again.

Well we spent a few days in NH with Anne-Marie and we are back home again. We did lotsa relaxing, swimming for the girls, games at Weirs, a visit to Details, eating out, ice cream, driving of the golf cart, golf for the guys, oh and me & Anme drank a few (too many) beers!! It was a great 5 days.

The new HMITM is up!!! The challenge is to add some homemade embellishments to your scrap page. This time we have a sponsor Eve from Evalicious send us some goodies to put on our pages.
The product is amazing. Check out our Blog for more info!

Here is a card and a layout I made with the embellishments she sent me!

And, some pictures from the beach!

Well, since I refuse to do laundry on vacation, better get back to it...........


  1. pretty, pretty! I love what you've done!

  2. when they finally get the bigger house, we'll have to all get together in NH. i could use a few too many beers!
